Cookie statement for

General cookie policy

Updated June 2023

Welcome to website owned by SRV. This general cookie policy is applied across the website and sub-domains. We ask you to familiriase yourself with the policy. The policy consists of two levels. 

General site wide

The site uses cookies to ensure the site content and ads you see would suit your needs better. Cookies are used to tailor the site content and ads and website user analytics. We share cookie data with partners on site usage. By doing this, we are able to improve the website customer experience. A pop-up banner informing about cookie usage on the site will open upon arrival to site. This banner is called a cookie consent management tool.You can decide which types of cookies you allow to be collected during your site visit. You can return to the cookie consent management tool any time during your visit by clicking on the link found in the footer section of the site. Cookies are used to track data on how users use and experience the site with the help of third party servicesBy accepting cookies users allow the site to save the cookies into their browser. Non-essential cookies will not be saved unless the user has first given consent with the above action. Users are are given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with data privacy policy documents (please refer to the links at the end of this document)Users can change their cookie consent settings anytime during their website visit by visiting the cookie consent management tool located in the footer section of the site.

Personal data

Some 3rd party services might separately ask users to allow consent to save users personal data (name, email, phone numer, etc) This consent is asked when users fill and submit a specific formIt will be asked and changed every time users submit a formFor example, at the 1st time filling in the form, users give their consent to data processing => their personal data will be processed into our system/PDX system. However, at the 2nd time, if users don’t give their consent => their personal data will not be processed into our system/PDX system.For more details, please refer to the next section about “Specific data privacy policy for each vendor”

3rd party policy


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are files saved on the users browser when using and browsing our site. Some cookies collect data which is classified as personal data (like IP-addresses and website usage data connected to the site visit), which in some cases can be linked to an individual person. We also use other similar techniques. We refer to all cookies and similar data collection techniques as cookies. 

We use cookies to improve the website user experience, make language choices, collect statistics on website user quantities and gather information on how the website is used. This information enable the development of our site and services and optimize site content and tailor our marketing to suit user interests. 

We appriciate user privacy and users can decline the usage of some cookie types. Users can manage their cookie preferences in the cookie consent management-link anytime during the website visit. 

Please note that declining the use of some cookies might impact the website user experience and that some cookies are essential to the site functionality and it is not possible to decline the usage of those cookies. 

Website Terms of Use:

In English

In Finnish

Contact information

SRV head officePostal address:
P.O. BOX 555
FIN-02601 Espoo,

Visiting address:
Derby Business Park,
Tarvonsalmenkatu 15,
FIN-02600 Espoo

020 145 5200

Business ID - 1707186-8
© SRV Yhtiöt Oyj 2024